Special Events & Workshops


Joyous January
A Yoga Celebration for the New Year

Saturday January 25, 2025
Radiate Studio in Sebastopol, CA

Awaken and expand. Settle and soften. Open into the moment. Just as you are. 

Our yoga practice is one of balancing oppositional forces - earth and sky, expansion and contraction, inhalation and exhalation. In this 2 hour in-person extended practice we will stimulate chi flow, increasing circulation and deepening respiration through a steadily paced vinyasa flow asana sequence. We’ll use that warmth and awareness to go deep into our major joints with some longer held supported postures for release and restoration, which help to calm our nervous systems and quiet our physical and energetic bodies. The result is a holistic practice that activates and energizes, helping to move stuck or stagnant chi (energy) while also cultivating sthira (steadiness), and providing energetic nourishment and calm. Ava is a seasoned practitioner and teacher of 20+ years - join her for a joyful journey on the mat, experience loving and sensitive hands-on adjustments, and celebrate the temple you live in - your body!


A monthly offering
where I practice with you
where we practice together
synchronizing our breath
and movement.

In these first Saturday sessions I will simply call out the Sanskrit name of the postures and we'll move and breathe together.

  • For newer students, it may be more challenging to practice in this way, but you are joyously welcome to join and follow along as best you can! Please just rest in child's pose whenever you need to. 

  • For more advanced students, in initial sessions we’ll practice the ashtanga primary series. In subsequent sessions I’ll start to layer in 2nd series postures.


Please join me the first Saturday of each month, at 10am:
Same zoom link for each Saturday - Zoom!
password: yoga

Practice will be between 90 and 120 minutes. You will have the option to take rest at 11:30am. For those who can stay, we’ll continue with Pranyama and meditation thereafter.

“I don’t know exactly what a prayer is.

I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down

into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass,

how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields,

which is what I have been doing all day.”

- Mary Oliver